Libery Ross is the newest Brandi Glanville. What do they have in common? They have been cheated by their husbands with working partners. Eddie Cibrian cheated on Brandi with his ‘Northern Lights’ co-star LeAnn
Rimes, while Liberty was cheated by Rupert Sanders with Kristen Stewart. Sanders directed the ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ starring Stewart.
Now Brandi recalls her own sadness when she found out Eddie was unfaithful. “I’m not happy with this Kristen Stewart bullsh-t. Too close to home. Same story: friends with the wife and kids, and f-ck the husband when we think no one is looking”, she wrote on Twitter on July 25.
Three days later she took Twitter again to talk the same issue. “Home wreckers come in pairs! It takes two!” she wrote.
So Brandi thinks that Kristen is like LeAnn’s twin sister. In that case Rupert would file for divorce and marry Kristen. Because this what happened with Brandi, Eddie and LeAnn.
Both Brandi and Liberty have two children with their husbands (ex husband in Brandi’s case).
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