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Pippa Middleton’s Pal Apologizes for Gun Snafu


Pippa Middleton has been absolved of any fault by her party host Arthur de Soultrait.

Though he wasn’t the one brandishing the toy pistol, Arthur took responsibility for his friend’s foolish actions in a newly-released statement.

"Last Saturday I was in a car with Philippa Middleton, and we were being followed by paparazzi. She had been subject to constant and dangerous harassment by paparazzi throughout her time in Paris. The car was being driven by a friend of mine, whom Pippa had only met a few hours before. As a joke, my friend brandished a toy pistol in their direction."

He continued, "Obviously Philippa had no idea that he was going to do that and told him to stop immediately. She did not find it funny."

"I regret enormously that this incident happened, and especially that Pippa has been subject to the subsequent attention through no fault of her own. I have apologized to her for this."

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